Time for reflection
Easter Sunday, a bit of time to sit and reflect. We had tea in the garden and watched 6 King Parrots feeding. The family we had visiting had left early, C left on her road trip to WA at 4am and L was at work.
It has been a horrendous Easter weekend. We lost 6 of our 14 Dorper sheep to dogs in the early hours of Good Friday. At first, we only found 3 alive and 6 dead, but the rest have slowly limped home over the last 2 nights. So 8 are left but 3 still badly injured, one with a broken front leg. Of course the last 2 nights have been spent wide awake, listening, in case the dogs return.
This is the second time we have had our livestock attacked by dogs, last time it was 2 pigging dogs owned by a neighbour that 'escaped and attacked our pigs'. This time we are not sure if they are another neighbour's dogs, who we saw on our property on Thursday, or wild ones. But the effect remains the same...
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