Arboreal Abundancy

Today me and my brother took an a micro trip back to Rochester. The town was still very busy after the Remembrance Day parade earlier in the day.
There were plenty of veterans in the streets and some were stopping to speak to members of the public to tell their stories. I encountered one veteran proudly displaying his medals on his chest with a smile on his face, proud to have paid his respects, and then saying "Right, where's the nearest pub!". I replied "Ready for a drink then!" and he responded "Oh yes!". Thoroughly deserved.
We decided to go back to The Cheese Rooms for lunch. It was packed and the staff were run off their feet - they had not been expecting so many people. We had to wait a little while for our food, which was perfectly understandable in the circumstances, and we were happy to sit in a lovely little courtyard with a bottle of Curious Brew beer until the toasted sandwiches we ordered arrived.
We then went for a post lunch walk around the castle grounds where I spotted the tree in today's image. The leaves were such a glorious golden colour and although it had shed a lot of them it was still abundant with leaf cover.

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