Number 3
So this is Emily and Maylee. Emily is the third of my 4 BG leaders who had a baby this year. Visited the Roasterie this morning to meet the new addition and see her back at work - Roaster is in the background. It was a busy day popping in to all the BG buildings and shopping for dinner tomorrow night with another ex-BG team member from back at the very beginning - yesterday was the 15th anniversary of the opening of the Grapevine location and Jesse, who worked for me back then married a customer and moved to Switzerland and is now residing in Paris with her husband of 7 years. She is over for a couple of weeks to surprise her sister on her birthday. For a number of reasons, Jesse adopted me as a second father and always calls me on my birthday even now. Looking forward to catching up with her. As she is vegetarian, I spent some time this afternoon making 'Faux Gras' - a vegetarian version of Foix Gras - no geese made to suffer and completely vegetarian, but quite a lot of ingredients to achieve something approximating to the carnivorous alternative.
Then cooked a vegetarian Indian dish Saag Aloo from a recipe by Nigel Slater which was delicious and rather filling, plus a coupld of episodes of Maid.. Then went to bed late because I was turning a sourdough a few times for baking tomorrow.
Extras of the 2 bakers who work on the other side of the Roasterie in the Bakery half - with lots of pastries being prepared for delivery this afternoon
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