Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths

Drowning Dad

Up early'ish and for the first time ever, got away on time, 9am. Destination Kaikoura.

Lovely day so on a spur of the moment we detoured enroute to Gore bay, we'd never been there. Stopped for w walk on the beach and a look around, interesting, we'll return.

Then onwards north to Kaikoura, and to find a campsite for the night. Ended up at Puhi Puhi campsite, which was lovely, but small, essentially a car park with some grass bits. But it worked for us, as the stream was very lovely. Being warm, we of course wanted a swim, so the kids and I dammed the stream and created a swimming hole, just big enough for Adam to try and drown me. Fun afternoon.

Dinner, then bed in the tent. Cosy. Interrupted however by vermin in our rubbish bad. Luckily just a hedgehog, but at 2am I wasn't that excited by it all. Kids however, highlight of the day I think ;-)

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