No idea

I was busy today... 

A solo ride on Red then I met Mumpy for a ride out with Jeeps and George. Much fun was had. 

Back at the field I dismantled the electric fence that has contained George and Red and relaid it in the main paddock. The whole while (about 2 hours), Satan's little helper followed me, trying to bite chunks out of the electric rope or me. I couldn't bloody wait to connect the battery... At which point he got a good shock to the teeth!! Best thing I've seen in a long time... And he now, at bloody last, has some respect for the electric fence!

Sigyn walked and then it was time for me to scoot off to work til 7am tomorrow. 

I didn't remember taking any photos today but checked my phone just in case... And there was just 1 photo. This one. No idea how or when or what I accidently photographed... 8-/ but it does very much sum up the day! 

Gorgeous has had a very busy day too. 

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