Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Some Autumnal woodland colour

We've had the free magazine from the council dropped through the letterbox and I was interested to read that the development company busy building all these one-and-two-bedroom flats-with-balconies is none other than the council itself! Of the 297 flats being built, nine will be shared ownership. You'd think then that the remaining 288 would be local authority rental housing stock perhaps? But no, because they have in addition built 20 affordable homes in a less sought-after location and have plans for another 44 in another undesirable location. So that tells us that these 288 will not be affordable.

If the council finds itself unable to sell the property they have invested in, one imagines that will leave a deficit in their coffers and public services will need to be cut. Perhaps these flats will be used to house all our rough sleepers and those arriving in dinghies for whom other counties find they have no capacity. I do wonder where my £92/month council tax goes.

1999: He attacked me a second time, this time I was awake and in the bath, a bit too slippery for him to get a good purchase. I told him there and then that he, his son, and his son's girlfriend would all be moving out tomorrow. But by the next morning I had decided to give him one more chance. We had, after all, booked a fortnight's holiday in Goa and I didn't want to miss that if I didn't have to. The boy and his girl found a place of their own and moved out anyway, before our holiday began.

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