a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Farewell to the Monorail

Busy day with visitors, haring around to look at art supplies, shops and all things touristy. Lunch at the QT.

The monorail is closing for ever and ever, amen, at the end of June, and all the supoorts and whatnot ripped out so that soon you will (theoretically) never know it had ever existed.

So today I did what I've never done before, and (looking around furtively to make sure I wasn't seen by anyone who might know me, because only tourists go on the monorail) I hopped on with my visitors and went for a circuit.

I suspect there will be plenty of Sydneysiders discreetly going on the monorail before June 30. Most locals wouldn't be seen dead on it under normal circumstances, because it's such a gormless monorail that goes nowhere particularly useful..... which of course may have something to do with why it is destined for removal.

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