DRAGON'S BLOOD TREE: Dracaena draco
While visiting my son & his family this past weekend, he pointed out
this exotic tree while we were walking through the grounds of my hotel.
He is a huge fan of exotic drought tolerant plants, & told me this is
a DRAGON'S BLOOD TREE, which gets its name from the red sap it bleeds when cut.
I took this photo & did a little research today when I arrived home.
Apparently, it is a long lived subtropical tree native to the Canary Islands
& Morocco. Amazing as it seems, this tree that can grow to 49ft. (15m) is in the same family as Asparagus. It is widely cultivated in parks & drought tolerant gardens. It has earned The Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit.
I came home with several plants, including a Vanilla Bean Orchid, but alas,
no Dragon's Blood Tree.
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