Bourges Cathedral
This morning was taken up with a visit to Bourges cathedral. We were staying the night there to break up our journey to Caen.. We left Bourges mid morning and headed to Caen to catch our ferry back to Portsmouth. Tonight, we stay with my brother and sister-in-law in Surrey before heading back up to Scotland on Tuesday.
Bourges Cathedral was very impressive and not surprisingly a UESCO site. The cathedral, which was dedicated to the first Christian martyr, Saint Etienne, occupies the site of a place of worship since the 3rd century. Built between the late 12th and late 13th centuries, it is one of the great masterpieces of Gothic art, and admired for its proportions and the unity of its design. Its tympanum, sculptures and stained-glass windows (see extra) are particularly striking. The other extra is of a building near the cathedral. I just liked the view taken from directly below.
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