Remembrance 16

Mrs S has a new tattoo, she probably wouldn’t admit it but she has long been an admirer of my;
“Born In Woking - Made In The Royal Navy”
tattoo on my right calf.
As I was driving to Bristol yesterday she was being ‘inked’ and today’s photograph shows her newly decorated right calf, W.R.N.S standing for Woman’s Royal Naval Service.

Josh is home and life has certainly picked up pace!

I completed my last two shifts on the Poppy Appeal desk at Sainsbury’s and took in the Penryn RBL Poppy Appeal Service at Penryn Methodist Chapel in the early evening before racing home, change of jacket and up to the Athenaeum Club to meet Josh and the members of FRFC’s ‘Thursday Gang’.
Some two and a half hours and five pints later it was time for home and bed.

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