Cards and Cars

Brad, 74, lived across the street with his mother until 10 years ago, when they both moved into the nearby assisted living place, Assumption Village. She died about a year later, and he is there living a pretty solitary life. The two of us have started a postcard correspondence, and lately he's been sending cards of National Parks. They're lovely cards, all lined up across our mantle with a few of Eric's old model cars.
I really like getting his cards, with their poignant remarks and bits of info, such as, after taking him to the DMV, "I have no idea what the government thinks I am, I am very tired."
"I've been very busy helping my sister celebrate her birthday."
"I just finished dealing with another State bureaucracy.  They say it's settled for another year."
"It seems most of my family is from Alaska, my sister talks a lot about going back. Our mail service is chaotic." 
"It's been 15 years since all those dignitaries visited me at a hospital. No one ever told me why they came."
"A woman who lived here just died from covid. She got it in a hospital."
"Halloween is the 20 yr. anniversary of something that happened in 2001, I notice those things."
"Just a note to tell you I got my booster shot. It caused my back to go out for about 2 days. Today is Guy Fawes Day, the English Halloween. My brother's wife just had a birthday. She is much nicer than my 2 brothers."

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