
After yesterday's outing, I was tired and stiff when I got up today, but Django needed walking, as A was off rowing and K was clubbing last night - and might not even have been at home! It was cloudy, but I still went to the Estate, and visited a corner that I've not been to for a while. The beeches are magnificent, and even the dying bracken adds to the colours. 

Back home, I did a bit of programming, then eased into the job of moving everything from L's room into the kitchen. It's an interesting task setting up the kitchen again, as we've got one fewer large drawer, but more cupboard shelves. We've also discovered that the new cupboards are a little shallower: enough that one particular set of plates won't fit. So a shuffling of glassware and crockery will have to happen! I also refitted the bookcase I made for A's children's books, and that was it: she went into full librarian mode!

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