It’s pig blood Nathaniel

Telling the children that they wouldn’t be allowed an iPad in the morning did the trick. Nathaniel didn’t wake till 8 and I was 9.15 when Ella surfaced. I think she is in training for the teenage years. (She was reading her book till after 10pm).

We made gingerbread bears for a Children in Need competition at Nathaniel’s school. All the efforts looked “unusual “. They used currants and mixed candied peel to decorate them. They really enjoyed fiddling on with the dough. They taste ok too.

After Ella choosing “Full English” for breakfast at Robin Wood, where her class went for an adventure activity residential 3 days, because “it had full in the title “ I said I’d make a Full Scottish to see how it compared. We had no sausages or Lorne Sausage, but I made Tattie Scones to have with fried egg, Black pudding, bacon, tomato, mushrooms and baked beans. They said it didn’t look very healthy but I reassured them it was ok to have occasionally. Nathaniel wondered what was in black pudding. When I said pig blood was an ingredient he made a disgusted face and said I was definitely kidding. I showed him the label off the pack. It didn’t put him off though Ella did say she’d have it if he didn’t want it.

We took them home via Cragside where they had 1.5 hours on the adventure equipment. We have had such a nice time

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