New Arrival
We have some very exciting news to share, we are to become Great Grandparents next May, our Granddaughter Keely and her partner are expecting! we had the news a few weeks ago.
Last night we went to their gender reveal, after everyone had arrived, the ballon was waiting to be popped, we waited along with family and friends with great excitement, some had chosen a pink peg some had chosen blue, our peg was blue, we just had a 'feeling'
They both did well not to know the gender from their last scan, they were as eager to know as we were, finally the balloon was popped by both of them and the blue glitter showered down on both of them, their faces were priceless, i have a video of the moment sadly we didn't get a good enough capture to post, Keely will no doubt send us some pics.
Above are just a few knits i have conjured up over the last few weeks, another project will be on the knitting needles soon.
Needless to say we are looking forward to the 5th day of the 5th month 2022, unless our baby boy decides to come earlier.
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