Instead of nipping down to the village for shopping I decided to go to Newcastle. Town was very busy but I wasn't there long. Got some fruit in the Grainger ( Indoor ) Market, cat food in Wilkinsons and in Waitrose I got more fruit and more cat food. Tino and Lily are fussy eaters so I have to get exactly the cat food they like - they won't accept substitutes. Tino likes Waitose own make in small cans ( not cheap but he does enjoy every mouthful )
As I passed Greys Monument I saw a couple of poppy sellers dressed in what I think were USA army uniforms with a couple of American Jeeps parked nearby. Took a quick shot not really thinking it would be my blip..... but I got nothing better.
Today is my brother J's birthday. Strange to think that I'm the person who has known him the longest. There are no older relatives still around. And I was present the day he was born. I'm 3½ years older than him and he was born at home so I first saw him when he was very tiny. He's had a good birthday.... playing golf this afternoon and out for a curry this evening. Two of his favourite things.
Steps today - 6,488
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