
: ) : ) : ) : ) : )

A good journey. A couple of good podcasts ... still loving Private Passions and today’s choice of Mark Solms helped reinvigorate some of the work weariness.

Still more preoccupied than usual on idea of home ... or, as Wordsworth would have it ‘Unity Entire’.

In time to walk out and soon saw a distant hunting marsh harrier as the reeds merged into the timeless mizzly flat grey Norfolk sky. Down on the beach it was high tide and walkers were braced against the wind in waterproofs and woolly hats.
Meanwhile there was some idiot who flung themselves into the waves. Crazy!

Popped by to say hello to M&R and then came on to find the cottage in Wells. The geese did a welcome fly past. Sister arriving from Norwich later and uncle and cousin heading up tomorrow.

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