Succulent Flower

About all that is left in the garden save for the grevillea which I have photographed too often and a wayward iris that decided to bloom a couple of weeks ago and is past its prime. 

We  had an unplanned event last night which resulted in a not-so-good night. I took Spike out for his last chance to pee (I would hardly call it a walk as its just out one door, around the corner and in another door) and he insisted in taking Grimace with him. As he rounded the corner, he suddenly took off into the darkness beyond the porch light. I called him back but alas, I was too late. He had gotten sprayed right in the face by a skunk. I don't think we've ever had a dog that hasn't had this experience but it is quite an upheaval, especially since the first rule is DO NOT let the dog back into the house. He came back in before I could close the dog door. I think Grimace may have taken the brunt of the attack. I found him next to the hole under the fence where the skunk got in.

The skunk remedy is a big bottle of hydrogen peroxide mixed with 1/4 cup of bicarbonate of soda and a squirt of Dawn detergent. Forget tomato juice or shampoo or all the other things that have been tried. The peroxide mix poured over the dog really works to neutralize the smell but then we were left with a wet, miserable, slightly stinky dog who expected to sleep on our bed....

Today has been spent doing laundry and watching the various activities going on to either side of us. A cement mixer on one side, tree cutters next door to them and earth and rock movers and dump trucks on the other side. We are speculating that they are having to re-site the house on their rather precarious rocky lot. It's noisy,  and they start at 7am but we are appreciating more than ever how well insulated this house is. 

In between I managed two more squares and a walk around Spring Lake with my friend Kathy. 

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