Photos by Forecast

I waited...and I 
waited for the weatherman
to meet his promise!

~ carliewired

I stalled as long as I could bear today. The forecast said we'd have some sun by 2 PM. I took the weatherman at his word and I left the house with my camera at 1:30. It's not a bad day. It was grey, dry and calm with 8 C.

I arrived at Vantage Point near the airport where dog walkers were very active today. I followed them along the Rivers Trail heading west, but I could not keep up with them. I dillydallied looking at the vegetation. I love to see how tangled it gets in fall. I watched a dog walker on the beach. Where eagles had converged now gulls splashed. As I was walking back to my truck I noticed some people among the trees laughing and having a great time. I was a bit hesitant to cast a glance at them as I went by. It was a photo shoot with a photographer posing a young couple. They seemed to be having a great deal of fun! As I drove away I looked over my shoulder at the end of the airport runway. There was a big arch of blue sky over it. The sunshine was soon to arrive! 

It is my brother's birthday today. I called him last evening to give him my best wishes. He thought he might buy himself some welding equipment today in honour of his birthday. 

I got very little accomplished today while waiting for the weatherman to deliver on his promises. Although I don't like grey days at all, I might be best to just go out and find something in spite of the weather. There will be lots of grey days ahead. 

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