Woman Walking

By njoyce06

It's blooming again.......

I was able to get out for a wonderful bike ride of 18 miles today.    I went by the Hibiscus plant that has peach or pumpkin colored.  I spotted it 1/4 of a mile away.  In the extra you can see a bud just opening and another from the back with all it's cover......
        Molly is having a good evening.  She was bright, interactive and playful.   That's quite a change from last evening  and this morning/afternoon.    She didn't want to eat thi:s morning but did eat all of the fresh pets beef snack treats.     Second Extra: Yesterday was Veterans Day in the US, Armistice Day in many countries that celebrate the end of WWII.   I put my flags out across the front of my yard.    I want to remember and celebrate all of the Veterans who have died for our country as well as the ones who have returned home.   We wouldn't have a country if there were very special people who step up and fight to protect our country.
God Bless America

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