Rainy Day

My daughter flew into Portland about midnight last night, and she Ubered to my house; then this morning, I drove her to my son's house because he wanted us both there for his neurologist zoom call. The doctor answered a lot of our questions. Still, the summary of the call is: Ron has a tumor of about 1 inch in diameter, it looks to be the slow-growing kind, and it is in the outer area of the brain, he can't decrease the dose of his anti-seizure medication which he thinks is making him groggy and she can't move up the neurosurgeon appointment from December 6th. There is no way to know if the tumor is malignant or not. So now it is back to waiting and praying. My son is feeling well-loved; his sister is staying at his house for several days. This photo is taken from my son's house; the view is beautiful, even on this dreary day.  My son is enjoying it while he is homebound. We are choosing to stay positive & hopeful that the tumor can be removed and that it is benign.

I did not react to my flu or covid booster; my son got his pneumonia shot & covid booster yesterday, and he did well too. We are feeling grateful to be fully vaccinated.


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