
After a rather unpleasant HR related start to the day I drove across to Norwich for lunch with a few other agency owners. It was organised by my friend Alex who runs a great Internet Marketing Agency.

Lunch was good and I met several really interesting people, good contacts for the future .

Over lunch Alex was telling us about the day he went skydiving, let’s just say the jump was not without drama and although the story is very funny I’m sure at the time it was very scary. ( obviously he lived to tell the tale ).

Which made me thing of my Uncle Alf who also had a dramatic parachute jump. I’ve blipped the Caterpillar and Wings before but never the letter which I only found recently. My Uncle Neill spent several years putting all Alfs RAF history together and then kindly gave it to me ( Alf was my godfather and is the reason Alfie is called Alfie ). Reading back through his horrific final flight is very sobering, luckily he survived thanks the the quick thinking of the rest of crew and his parachute.

I need to make time to read through the history properly, a job for the Christmas holidays.

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