New company

Busy day: the car is washed and clean now, the apple tree branches have been cut off and the garden swing has been moved to the sunny place (after shoveling a lot of snow away from there). And I have taken my easter nap after the lunch - what a sweet priviledge!!!

Even if sun is melting, there is plenty of snow yet outdoors, as nights have been still so cold. Our front yard, however, is already clear from snow and slippery ice. I am so happy for that!

In the blip there is our new siamese fighting fish, we bought him today. The old blue one died on last thursday - it had lived with us a couple of years, which is a very long time for fighting fish.
This new one has no name yet. He is quite shy and calm, but also interested of the new place. He has Catfishes and Platy's in the aquarium as a company... Hard to have a proper capture of him...
Any suggestions for the name ;-) ???

Heading to sauna now.
Have a nice saturday and easter, all blippers...!


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