Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

The start of the S scale Blacksmith building

Exciting today - NOT.  But today I stained all of the wood to build the blacksmith shop.  No laser cut walls, just a bunches of scale lumber.  I used Hunterline Stain - cedar - for the wood.  Very nice stain.  I will let it dry for a few days and then return each lumber size to a small plastic bag.  Hope it stays straight.

The extras are photos off the kit directions.  I bought the kit long ago - not sure but probably at least 10 years.  The company was stopping business and I bought the kit during their last tine at a narrow gauge convention.

The overhead shot and straight shot are of a completed kit and show the detail included.  I mean, a S scale pair of pliers!  S scale grinding wheel!  There is also a bunch of little details to paint, and the hearth pit has a blinking red light for the fire.   I will build it with the roof removable so I can see the details..

To be honest, I have put off this kit because of the "bunch of sticks" challenge.  But there are scale plans and elevations to make the walls and roof so we will see.  I also have Aspen Model figures of a blacksmith as well as a furrier re-shoeing a horse.  Fun.  Away we go! 

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