
By TrishaR


Every Spring I have wanted a cutey lamb photo and never got one. :(

Today though, we went through to a farm and the minute we drive up it was awwwww and awwwwww and more and more awwwww. There was so many and they had just woken up and were gambolling around the field in the sunshine. I felt a surge in my heart watching them, I know bonkers, but the cuteness factor was off the scale!

The ones in the field were a week or so old but the ones in a little barn were just born and this is one of them. She is smiling at me, she came up and sniffed the camera!

Then Breagha had her first chasing a big hen experience - poor hen, but she just wanted to sniff it. The hen funnily enough didn't understand .... Found a whole big pile of fresh eggs so they are getting washed and omelette for tea tomorrow night!

Finished off with cream and jam scones then a walk through the countryside in the sunshine! Lovely:-))

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