Busy but happy day today. More card-making, which I'm quite getting into at the mo. I was going to put up a photo of one, but it felt a bit 'aren't I great' so you can have a lime instead. Also, card-making feels to me a bit like the preserve of a certain type of woman who likes kittens and flowers and, while I do like both of those things, I'm not that kind of person and I like to think my cards are a bit cooler than your standard craft magazine fare. Though obviously I'm too shy to prove it!
Quite my favourite fruit, the lime. There's not much that isn't helped by the addition of lime: cocktails, stir fry, sweeties, cordials.
Found out a couple of lovely bits of news today: some blip/real friends are going to have a baby and some other friends who live in Ireland are going to move to France, not too far from our place down there. Could be another tick in the 'yes' column on my ongoing 'moving to France or not' chart...
Add to that a wonderful noodle dish cooked by Mr B (perhaps his best yet) and a very funny Ashes to Ashes episode, and Heroes still to come, and a nice glass of shiraz waiting for me... it all adds up to a good day.
If only things were going so well for the Toon.
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