Rest day

For those of you who read our Blips regularly, you will know that our latest project is to climb 'Mount Everest' before Christmas. Not literally?!! Climbing 'Mount Everest' involves walking up all the stairs to our fourth floor flat (instead of taking the lift) and climbing up at least one hill a day.

We're up to day 21 now and have climbed more than half way up 'Mount Everest' so we're well on target to reach the summit by Christmas.

It was a beautiful sunny day today and after a little morning walk, Ann said, 'Trixie, I think we'll have a rest from climbing hills today. I want to go to B&M and The Range so you can come with me and then we'll go for a stroll along Portobello Beach in the sunshine.' So that is what we did.

It was lovely down at Porty Beach. I took my ball and had a fabulous play. The tide was all the way out and the sea was calm. We walked all the way along the beach and when we got to the end Ann bought herself some chips and sat on the beach and ate them and she didn't share! It's been such a beautiful, warm, sunny day.

Unfortunately by about 3pm 'Mr Sunshine' goes away and 'Mr Moon' comes out to play, and the temperature drops dramatically. I went out again at 3.45pm and it was so cold Ann wished she'd put her gloves on.

We're all warm and cosy indoors for the evening now.

Lots more hill climbing to do tomorrow. Lol!

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