
By IronWill2013

Building a fence: Part two

Spent all afternoon finishing off the fence. Ran out of regular screws and z brackets. Found some more screws, but needed a different screwdriver to attach them. Couldn't find that either. Finally made up a suitable screwdriver (don't ask), but had to go to B&Q for the brackets. They only had U shaped brackets (totally useless things ... taking them back). Haven't they heard of Z brackets down here? If you use U brackets, then you have to attach them to the post first and somehow, slide in your (very heavy) fence panel afterwards .... maybe possible if you had a twin, and preferably you were both 8ft 2in tall? Very difficult in the wind. Z brackets are childsplay. Much more sensible.

Argghhh !!!

Managed to take some Z brackets off of one of my other fences. All fences are up, but I need to replace 23 brackets in total. Buying them on eBay. A fraction of the price that B&Q charge.

Hopefully I can now enjoy a bit of this Easter weekend.

P.S. Still need to saw down those posts, but since my petrol chainsaw needs a replacement chain, that is not going to happen any day soon, and by the time I do get round to buying a new chain, I won't be able to find the chainsaw. I'm finished!

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