Republic Thousand Rivers

By castrexoman

Day of the Work

Today, On The First of May, in the Day of the Work, I would like to do a small and special Honoring to the Workers of the Mar in the Republic of Thousand Rivers, across this photography of an Old Craft, which surely I help to give of eating to more than one family.

Even it does little time, and enclosed today, the men who were employed at The Sea, beside doing it in hard conditions, the life was played every day...

Hoxe, 1º de Maio, no Día do Traballo, gustaríame facer un pequeno e especial Homenaxe aos Traballadores da Mar na República dos Mil Ríos, a través desta fotografía dunha Vella Gamela, que de seguro axudo a dar para xantar a máis dunha familia.

Ata fai ben pouco, e incluso hoxe, os homes que traballaban na Mar, ademais de facelo en condicións duras, xogábanse a vida todos os días...

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