
By DDon


I don't usually post a blip this early, but we were going to be on the road later and I liked this shot anyway. I spent a half hour or so reading my new book, "Buddha Standard Time" by one of my favorite authors, Buddhist or otherwise, Lama Surya Das. I'll try to post more of his wisdom here, but it's pretty much a book on mindfulness and living in the moment. While I was reading, Kirby sat down in the sun next to me, and even Oreo came out to the garden to visit. The birds sang loudly from nearly every tree, and even while I write this (still in the garden on this glorious weather day) a flight of probably 2,000 Canadian geese flew overhead (my camera useless at my side with the memory card in this Mac). Lama Surya Das could not have ordered up a better visual reminder of living in the moment - what a moment this was.

This is one of my favorite lines from this morning's reading: "When we are in touch with being only in the present moment, only with what is, instead of what we regret, fear, or anticipate, our sense of limits in time will no longer have negative power over our lives."

Being out here also reminded me of one of my favorite Stephen Stills songs, Johnny's Garden.For the morning I'll call it Donny's Garden (even though I don't care for the title Donny. Donald's ok).

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