
“This is not a circular” it says on the blue NHS Scotland envelope. Invitation to our Covid19 booster vaccination at 24 weeks and a few days since our second one. We’ve known the date for a week or more; it was shown on our NHS Scot Vacs online account - but it’s nice to get the blue envelope!

Deputy First Minister did 3 weekly Coronavirus review at Scottish Parliament. Scotland has done more booster vaccinations than elsewhere, and system under constant refinement. Is continuing concern over flatline new case numbers; in excess of 2000 a day and over 500 people admitted to hospital in last week. Advised considering measures to avoid lockdown - such as extending Covid Passport scheme to wider premises range; also some further reflection on extending face coverings - already mandatory in certain circumstances. And reinforcing work from home message (older son still does). Concern is re NHS ability to cope as we hit mid-winter and Christmas. Next review early December. Standby for media meltdown.

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