The sorting continues…

Hi Everyone,

Well things did not go well for me at the club with no grub’s AGM and I did not get the position I was after… However, I did get a couple of changes to the rules through that will make life a little easier to manage moving forward.

I spent 20 minutes in a queue on the phone to register a lost parcel with the Royal Mail… I really hope it is not the one I am especially excited to get.

I am told that the CIVIL service is doing a recruitment drive and I have applied to go on a virtual meeting to have all explained. Fingers crossed I get in, not sure what to expect but it’s worth a look.

The doctor called and is referring me to the hospital regarding my hip… the physio department first who assess how bad things are. The initial goal is to get on the waiting list. 

I really need to get to the supermarket for supplies as soon as possible.

Anyway, nothing else to report.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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