South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Flowers for Easter

Found the church festooned with flowers when I went round to copy the news sheet today. There was a big arrangement in the foyer, another on the wall in the church and another at the front (which is the one I've blipped). Someone has also put vases of daffodils along the ledge at one side of the church, together with some chocolate eggs for the youngsters tomorrow. It really did look great, and these artistic ladies are not getting any younger. One becomes 90 later this year! I shall feature part of her Easter table arrangement tomorrow.
We went to visit a lady this afternoon who has been very kind and generous to us, and who is suffering from back and leg problems at the moment and her face lit up when we gave her an Easter Egg. I don't think she's had one for a number of years from her response - it's easy to forget that older ladies like Easter Eggs too! Mind you, I'm not getting any younger and I'd be quite peeved if I didn't have an Easter Egg or two!

Can you spot the label that someone's forgotten to remove?! I didn't see it until I looked at the photo just now!

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