Curtains for You

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Another business day of business analysing in the office. I say that, I TRY to do business analysis but at the moment am frequently interrupted by someone* wanting me to break down packing boxes to be taken away by facilities or someone** wanting me to help her ferry VC kits to distribution to other sites or someone*** needing me to make packing labels to attach to boxes.

Consequently, I felt behind all day. And tried to make up for it by working through the team meeting.


- is a comment I posted in the meeting chat, while the meeting was going on. 

Even then I was not immune from getting caught up in other tasks. We have found that room acoustics are way worse than we expected in some rooms, especially if they have big windows. El Jefe the AV expert said any soft furnishing would help, "Just throw a couch in there or put some curtains up," he said.

It turns out that the room we were meeting in today suffered from bad acoustics. And since it was only a room for six people we couldn't really throw a couch in there. And no-one had spare curtains on them. So Shenée produced her poncho and it was my job to hold it up against the glass to see if it made a difference.

Apparently it did! So now I have to order heaps of curtains for meeting rooms all over the country. 

AND finish my document. 

It is just like that at the moment.

But at least I got to steal Shenée's poncho and hold it up and pretend I was a vampire like Bela Lugosi. So that was fun.



* Shenée
** Also Shenée
*** Corrie and Shenée

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