About time

When daughter moved into her house about ten years ago she said she missed a ticking clock, we have a few, so I gave her this one. Unfortunately she kept forgetting to wind it up and it hasn’t ticked for a few years. Now she is getting ready to move house she asked if I wanted it back as she doesn’t really like it anymore. It was a gift for 25 years service from the company I worked for so although it’s actually not that nice it does mean something to me, so home it has come.
Hospital went well, very quick assessment and scan and consultant agrees the cataract on my left eye is very bad and needs to be removed, and then the right eye. Now it’s a case of wait as he said it would be about three months before he can do it
Went for walk with daughter and Hetty as her dog had been out for a few hours with daughters other half and was tired.

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