Babap Ickle Weed

To think I grew up with the Flowerpot Men, and just went through a summer full of sunflower blips. Yet it was only when this grew in the mess left by Bodger the Builder, that I realised Little Weed has to be a sunflower herself.

I realise that the Flowerpot Men will be a closed book to blipfriends in other countries. Or that a more recent, popular rhythm combo might come more readily to mind.  Here's the real thing however.

Now for the (not in the least) academic bit. It's usually thought that Bill or Ben would always say "flobalob ickle weed". Researching sources for this (with great shallowness) I discovered great pedantry, and quasi-religious outrage that such a sentence would ever be uttered. "Flobalob" you see, if you go back to the original scripts, is pot-speak for "flowerpot". And what Bill and Ben would say at the end of the programme, is "bye bye". In pot-speak, that's "babap Ickle Weed".

And, as we know, Ickle Weed would answer "wee-e-e-ed".

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