Pampered Pooch

It’s a dog’s life on a dreich Monday when business is slow. Still there are always passers by to watch while comfortably ensconced in bed.

Watching the world go by with the craic as well was such a good idea that a friend and I resorted to a quick coffee at Bruntsfield while it was still dry.
The shopping was just finished in time as the rain blew in.

I have finally got round to thinking about Christmas cakes- a bit late but probably better late than never. I checked the cupboards for ingredients and spent a fiddly time lining a baking tin with grease proof paper and tying brown paper round the outside. All it needs now is to steep the fruit in brandy and get round to baking #1 cake. There was a time in years gone by when I would make 5 cakes to distribute among the worthy. No longer , I’ll be lucky if I can manage two.

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