
Bit of a lie-in, quick breakfast in town and then off down the coast for the day. First stop the causeway over to Lindisfarne - always a favourite - complete with fresh black and white film in the old Nikon SLR and a pack of seriously expired film* (think June 2004) in the vintage Polaroid 600.

A walk across the dunes to the beach in some lovely sunshine and then back to the car in pissing rain and howling wind, oh the joys! Down to Seahouses for fish and chips, and then back up to Bamburgh for an afternoon potter around on the beach and rocks, plus plenty of photos.

The evening entertainment comprised of food and drink at a very decent Turkish restaurant in town *and* we were out 'til past 9pm as well. On. The. Razz. Home for ten tho' obviously.

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* Didn't work at all. Gone 'off' to put it mildly.

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