Scott Monument
It was a beautiful sunny day, it almost felt like Spring had finally arrived although there was still an icy wind blowing, in Leith it was chilly but when I got into town it was almost pleasant. I took a wander through St Andrew Square where there's a collection of photos on display for the Edinburgh Science festival plus a second collection for the Britain from the Air exhibition, well worth a visit.
I then wandered down to Princes St. Gardens to see if the flowers were in bloom, I would expect the crocuses and daffodils to be in full bloom by now, but they are not, they're getting there but obviously with the cold weather and lack of sunshine they are running a bit late this year.
I bumped into a little Clanger who was exploring, we had a bit of a language barrier (apparently Google translate doesn't understand Clanger), he seemed to be a bit confused by the Scott Monument and kept asking where the soap-flakes and vinegar went! After a quick internet search I found the answer on Wikipedia where I discovered that is what Clangers use to fuel their spaceship, he was under the impression the Scott Monument was a rocket, an easy mistake to make especially for a little pink visitor from another planet! Anyway, after explaining to him about Sir Walter Scott and the monument (The Clanger seems to understand English pretty well), we decided to go for a couple drinks, he's going to be staying for a while so expect him to show up again.
P.S. Clangers don't seem to have names as such, but he refers to himself as "WhistleTootTweet".
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