The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Board Stupider

I couldn't make it out yesterday as planned so set off first thing this morning with my board up Glen Devon where I spied all the snow last Sunday. I was getting concerned on the way up there - most of the snow's gone off the hills, but I needn't have worried - the shady forest track had kept a good cover.

Walked up with Marley first to check it out. Looked great. Firm snow on the track with a few deeper sections and half-pipe gullys to carve into. I left Marley in the car, put my boots on (which had been birds nests 2 days earlier), slung my board over my shoulders and headed back up. This photo was taken with my weIRd camera at the top of this particular run where the forest opened up and the snow disappeared.

I clipped into my bindings, spend an age getting my stecky old frame upright and started sliding slowly down. It's been 5 years since I used this thing. The old "it's like riding a bike" analogy would be OK if you were talking a unicycle with no handlebars. I was a bit crap to be honest and glad I went up so early in the morning so no-one was about to see me wobble my way down this green run (I used to ride blacks in a fair wind). I managed to stay upright, but didn't build up the speed or competence to carve into the half-pipe gullies, but I did get a rhythm going for the last 200 yards whch made an old Mynci smile.. :-)

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