The life of a chess mom….
Another day of chess competition. Meaning: drive to a place 1,5 hour away, help son with wheelchair change so he can get to the table, look for the wheelchair toilet and get the cleaning stuff and boxes out of that toilet space so the wheelchair can actually enter the toilet when he has to go. Be there for bringing a drink (try moving the wheelchair with a coffee for your opponent and a drink for yourself, whahaha!) and be there to help with that toilet (and because you never know when you are needed, you can’t go for a walk) . And the rest of the time…you sit and read, and drink some coffee. When lucky there will be nice company to talk to. But today I had a wait for 5 hours alone. Team won, E lost after making a mistake in the last part but enjoyed the game and battle. After they all finished we changed wheelchairs again an took of for the drive home. And the book? Almost finished :-) It was a good day.
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