Hello Lovely Blippers,

When we heard Mr. and Mrs HCB chatting about what they were going to do this morning, we pricked up our ears. We understand from KangaZu that today is designated as National Play Outside Day - well we would love to join in if the HCBs can get their act together!

We saw Mrs HCB making up a picnic, so we knew we would have to be quick and get into the car boot before they realised we were all there. They always do a lot of dillying and dallying and even shillying and shallying before they’re ready so we had time but Mrs HCB always packs enough food to feed an army, so we know we won’t go hungry! 

We thought it would be a good idea to jump into their boots hoping they wouldn’t see us and Hoggy decided to get underneath the map they were taking.  Then, of course, there was all the paraphernalia they take when they go out walking - does anyone need this much?  There were boots, anoraks, gloves, hats - not forgetting Mr. HCB’s Tilley hat - binoculars, camera, sweets, picnic box, flask -  and of course, there has to be chocolate - mustn’t forget that - because as you all know, Mrs. HCB is a chocoholic!  

So here we all are, on the first Saturday in November - can you believe it - and we are all ready to go - however, we’re not sure if the HCBs are ready - we heard talk of a walk in the forest so we just hope it’s not too muddy.  The HCBs take forever to get themselves sorted out - and what is it about going to the loo six times before you go out - we think it’s an age thing but surely they know you can have a “hedge ticket” up in the forest!  We think dear Admirer would like to know that we are going out and about because that’s what she liked to do and of course she would probably giggle too if she could see us. 

It’s quite a windy day today and also a bit drizzly but that won’t stop us from having a good time and lots of adventures and of course, Leyburn and Reeth have recently come to Wiltshire, so we need to show them a good time up in the forest, which we will do.

Stay safe and have a good weekend, whatever you are doing! 

Love from

JH Ted, Tiny, Snowy, Penny Penguin, Hoggy, Leyburn and Reeth xxxxxxx

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