Giant Poppies

A trip to the cinema to see the James Bond film. Mrs S loved it but I wasn't convinced. A good ending and some beautiful locations but too long and the music was intrusive I found. It seemed a bit sinful going to the pictures at lunchtime but it's  a lux venue with reclining seats. Plus we had a cheese toasty half way through. Made it all worth while.

On the way back driving past our shops I spotted some locals who I know (that's Sue over on the left) with poppies. This was handy because I couldn't track down any of the smart enamelled ones on lapel pins. So I jumped out of the car to investigate.

The only ones this group had were giant hand crocheted versions for a £5 donation. A bit disproportionately large for my jacket. So I declined but they suggested I make a donation nevertheless. I shoved a fiver into their bucket and they pointed out that this got me one of their poppies anyway. 

So now I have a comedy poppy pinned to my coat. Don't laugh when you see me next.

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