Remembrance 6

I seem to be running a day late with the photographs, this one was taken yesterday in Tregoniggie Woods on our way to the vets. The photo does not really do them justice, the carvings are really good and varied. A scorpion, a pasty, a boat, birds, fish, flowers are all carved into the trunks. They look really good.

Collecting for the Poppy Appeal again today, I find it really enjoyable, people watching, interacting with people, answering questions about the Poppy or Remembrance Day and chatting with friends.

The Cornwall Poppy Appeal Organiser came in to see us and seems really happy with the way things are going, no gaps in the rota, the volunteers well turned out and engaging with the public and doing a great job. The Sainsbury’s staff are great as well, free tea or coffee and regular enquiries after our well being.

Having fourteen shifts in the first week I’m looking forward to an easing in the second week when I only have six.
I won’t know what to do with myself and the time.

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