Which to Blip?

On the way to my friends this morning I'd been aiming to get a shot of the Red Kite that was hunting in the field again. I could get a closer shot from the car but as I pulled up, a friend I haven't seen for ages had arrived on the opposite side of the road and a conversation was due rather than the pic.

There is a large pen at my friends house which holds an array of poultry and visitors so, when I saw the Reeves pheasant had flown in for a snack, I went in and followed them around a bit. I've a few good shots, which included one of one in spectacular flight which I thought would be my blip. Just as I left the pen, this kestrel perched on the telegraph pole and I really liked the shot as well. Which one to blip? I'll leave you to decide. :)

It's been a good and bad day for wildlife. This morning the badger that's been snuffling around was pancake on the road. I know where it may have come from. There's a summer set under my house. Often the brock will sleep under my sofa which makes the dogs extremely agitated. I don't encourage it to use this entrance or feed it since Maera was went to battle with it somewhere in it's tunnels under the house. At the time Cocoa and his siblings were only a couple of weeks old. Spaniel vs Badger... I was lucky to have her back alive. It can come and go from it's other entrances on the other side of the fence but the dogs can no longer get down the hole. I took these photo's of one just before I was forced to block the entrance to the dogs... If the badger wants to he can push his way in or out in minutes but I reckon he's happier without visitors.

Well, Good Friday! Happy hols, everyone!

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