My healthcare assistants

Enough said.

Decided to go to the shops with these two this afternoon. It's about a 3 minute walk. Was knackered and woozy by the time I got there. Took James to get a subway for lunch, then met Corin in the pub where he was tucking into a large burger and onion rings. I only managed a latte. No appetite for anything other than celery and cheese at the moment.

Walk back was cold. Stopped and chatted to some random old geezer out walking his dogs.

The rest of the day has been sofa time with one or both of these two nutters. I am enjoying that bit of the recovery, but not the continuing pain. But that comes and goes.

One of my wounds has relinquished it's stitches this even, which is a relief as it was the itchiest of the 4 external sites.

Am now on my second glass of red wine.

Have decided that I need to find two things;
1. My photo mojo - after months of introspective, house based, pain diary photography, I really need to get back to being creative. This has been triggered also by watching a fab documentary about Anton Corbijn on Sky Arts last night. Have admired his work for such a long time and so I was really engaged by it.

2. My mojo - I have realised that I have lost my identity. I used to be quirky, a bit strange, not tied down to normality and not afraid of being a little bit out there. These last two years of declining health have left me feeling like an empty shell. I need to find me again.

Fortunately, I have my two healthcare assistants on hand, not just to nurse me back to physical healthiness, but also to encourage my inner quirky girl to get back out there...

I hope I find that girl sooner rather than later!

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