Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Sky's on fire....

.... Rolling down the road. Best notify my next of kin....
Yes I do know that's not what it says but it filled my head!
There are beautiful sunsets just now, and so early in the day too. This was around 4.45pm tonight and it's now 20 minutes later and almost completely dark.
Today I've been getting organised for going away tomorrow. The day started well with our midweek service. The Rector included my trip in the prayers which was appreciated, it's a good way to be sent off.
Next a flying visit to various shops to pick up some gifts. I've been struggling with a book for an 11 year old and in the end went for the first of Judith Kerr's WWII series, When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit. It's the right age group and one which my children loved. If you haven't read it, then even as an adult it's a good read. It's auto biographical and the story of her evacuation from Nazi Germany and eventual arrival in the UK. It's the first of a series. (Judith Kerr, who died two years ago, is best known for the Mog books, the Tiger who Came to Tea and other books for younger children).
Next was a trip to Tesco to have some baby photos printed to take away with me. It's easier and safer to show paper copies than to pour over the pictures on my phone without masks.
I had a successful drop into the local charity shop - just because, and came away with a very comfortable and brand new pair of Skechers.
We're going to pop to the Indian restaurant next door tonight after which I really should get around to packing.
I'm finding the negative impact of the leaders coming to COP 26 quite extraordinary to consider. Then there's the covid impact - I do hope it's worth it.
Keep safe folks. Just watch those numbers.

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