Optical Illusion

This whole day has been something of an optical illusion. We set off a little late for our walk with Spike because we thought we should wait for Greg to arrive to continue the installation of the closet doors.We went to  the end of the street to see if there has been any progress on clearing the creek of the enormous log jam. There is no clear definition of who is responsible for the cleanup, and therefore nobody is taking any. ..I hope Bruce and Cindy have good insurance because I think they will have to foot the hefty bill to have it done themselves.

I trudged up the driveway and spent the rest of the morning on the couch feeling the somewhat nebulous effects of yesterday's Covid booster. The noise of the closet door installation wasn't restful. It didn't seem to be going well, and Greg took his leave early, promising to be back tomorrow morning with David. By then I should be in better shape to escape the house and the noise.

Perhaps it is just my sort of dazed state, but I thought the picture of the nibbled sunflower leaves, equally favored by some birds as the seeds, seemed like some sort of optical illusion, perhaps, a visual migraine. I had one the other day, the first in a long time, and  this picture reminded of it.

A visual migraine is a temporary visual distortion that often begins  with a small, shimmering area that slowly expands outward. The growing spot often has jagged, zig-zag edges.
-Brigham and Women's Hospital

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