Just the Ticket!

Finally, the weather we've been looking forward to - and it came at the right time as we were due at NT Longshaw for a Bird Monitoring Group Meeting this afternoon, so we went up for a walk this morning. Conditions were perfect - bright and clear with a fresh feel, so we went up to White Edge Moor from where the views are spectacular towards the Hope Valley (see extras) and there is always a chance of seeing Red Deer. Sadly, no Stags, but a dozen or so hinds and calves appeared to our right, crossing our path. 
It's been a long time since the group has been able to meet, but we kept in touch over the Spring via WhatsApp, which was great as we had help from quite a few bird ringers this year. It was another good breeding season for Pied Flycatchers in our woodlands, but sadly, no confirmed nesting sites for Whinchat - a bird that seems to be in trouble.

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