A Beautiful Morning

It was a beautiful morning for my walk into town to get a haircut, despite there having been a slight frost. You might just notice a couple of men putting up xmas lights in the photo. I knocked the worst of the moss off the shady part of the roof this afternoon, cleared the gutter below it and cleaned the window on that side. Then I mowed the lawn - I suspect it’ll need one last cut still. I also had a long catch up with my friend L. 

Day 596 / Day 107 of Step 4 of Roadmap Easing (for my record only)
Over 50m first doses of the vaccine have been delivered in the UK, 87% of people over 12 years old. Norfolk does not currently have a walk in vaccine centre, our nearest one is in Wisbech, 42.5 miles away - not good enough! Coronavirus restrictions have been tightened in the UK Parliament after a rise in cases in the building (not a surprise). The ONS is reporting that 91% of clinically vulnerable people are still shielding or taking extra precautions (shielding officially ended on 15th Sept). Nearly a quarter of a million kids were off school in the week before half term for coronavirus related reasons. 

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