Dissipating squall line
Yesterday I wrote about the phrase about clouds being the atmosphere’s facial expressions.
Well, here’s an example, there’s been showers around all day. We’ve missed them. However, as the sun sets and the energy driving the thermals falls away the shower clouds begin to dissipate into the characteristic anvil shape, of which three of which can be seen here. So, the atmosphere is calming down as the troubled facial expression relaxes.
Ok, ok, you’ve had enough of this.
We made a start on getting the house ready to let. Day 1, emptying drawer a s cupboards, sorting stuff into piles; rubbish, recycling, charity etc. What a mountain of stuff still to go.
Thank you for all your good wishes as we embark upon this task. Thank you too for all your wonderful comments and hearts for Saturday’s railway shots. I think I’ve said thank you for the hearts. If I’ve not, then thank you.
We’re off duty tomorrow as we’re going to Waltham Forest tomorrow to see friends Al and Liz.
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